Runswick bay

Local Services

We often get asked for recommendations and information about local services, so we have included a directory below. If you would like to be included in it, please contact us and we will do our best to add you! At the bottom of this page is our community noticeboard. If you have any community information that you would like to be added, please complete our contact form and we will review and include. Important notices will also be shared on our social media, so please do follow us

Sailing Club

A family friendly sailing club located on the beach at Runswick Bay.

Rescue Boat

RBRB primary remit is to ‘nip in the bud’ incidents that are visible from the village and to access difficult locations along the shoreline where larger boats would struggle


25 years ago a few blokes had a stupid idea to get together in the winter and play Whitby at rugby. Many matches later the Metcalfe trophy is securely in Runswick’s hands. £1,000’s has been raised for numerous charities.



The Royal doesn’t have any of its own parking – lower village parking is available in the pay and display car park.

Runswick Bay Cottages

Choose from the largest selection of Quality Holiday Cottages in Runswick Bay.
